What I Learned Over Christmas Vacation

Welcome back, friends! After a blogless week and a half, I’m very happy to be back, well-rested, and ready for another year of Glass Cases submissions. Last year, I took an extended break from NYC and many life lessons were learned. This year, even though I was back in good ol’ Queens after Christmas, I’m again sharing my top five points of self-discovery and interest.
I can consume a lot of food:
After weeks of eating nothing but cupcakes and various cookies that were brought into the office, I went upstate to my parents’ house and ate for pretty much four days straight. I should also point out that nothing I ate was a vegetable, unless you count the ones that were baked in heavy cream. I think I saw a strawberry once, but I was distracted by the cheesecake underneath it. I was simultaneously disgusted and happy, but it made me appreciate living in a close proximity to Trader Joe’s, where I can go to fill my cupboards with flax seed chips and edamame once again. 
I am a fairly decent bowler and awesome at board games.
Life upstate is a simple one, and I think I’d win at it. Too bad I like living somewhere eight million times more complicated. (Remind me why that is, again?)
Whatever happens in the future, there will always be a way to say “fuck.”
I read a book over the holidays. I know, I know, what else is new, right? But, this book was different…. this was read FOR FUN. What a concept! The winning novel was Across the Universe by Beth Revis. It was a disturbing and beautifully written YA sci-fi novel that you all should definitely buy. (Some might classify it as a dystopian, but I’m not.) While enjoying the concept, characters, and strong romance, I was also pleased to learn that in whatever future/parallel universe we live in (whether we’re frexing on Revis’ ship, Godspeed, or killing frakking toasters on the Battlestar Galactica), we’ll have a fun, new replacement for our most diverse curse word.
The radio is a wonderful thing.
As someone who doesn’t drive or have an ipod, listening to music while commuting isn’t something I consider a necessity. But the radio is amazing – mostly because in my hometown, it is always 1996 and my favorite local DJs of yore are still employed, crankin’ out those hits from such newcomers as Days of the New and Oasis. Never underestimate the power of singing by yourself while behind the wheel, especially if you intentionally pull up to the car next to you so they can judge/admire you.
Change should happen naturally:
Perhaps this is a more passive view on life, but much like my former colleague, Nathan Bransford, my word for 2010 was “transition.” Many a-changes were made in 2010 and I think I’m all the better for it. But if anyone follows me on Twitter, you may remember that I decided to take this “whole new Sarah” approach to life a step further and try to intentionally do things I’d rather soon ignore. With only a few days into the new year, I am already putting an end to this plan. See also: unless you’ve spent your year in a ditch, on crack, beaten, and without friends, then you probably don’t need to be so adamant about change.
I’m very excited about 2011 and the work I can do as an agent, a writer, and as your humble blogger. Thanks for entering another year with me and don’t forget to submit those stories!

15 thoughts on “What I Learned Over Christmas Vacation

  1. I finished Across The Universe over the weekend. What a story on several levels! Can't recommend it enough. It isn't sci-fi and it isn't dystopian, it's just a good read.


  2. I've pre-ordered Across the Universe from Amazon. Can't wait.

    I'm still on vacation :)and my mother-in-law just came back from Walgreens with bags of discounted Christmas candy.

    Like Jaimie said MAYBE I'll get up the courage to submit a story this year.


  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one that sat around eating and reading over my vacation.

    I can't wait to read Beth's book, the first chapter was amazing!


  4. Great post! No Trader Joe's here, but we do have Wegmans! LOL! I'm western NY, Buffalo area. We always have the radio on while driving about town!!

    Sounds like a great vacation from reality!


  5. I read Across The Universe over the break as well and I loved it and the use of frex (and chutz and brilly). I couldn't put the book down and I'm finally excited that I have a book to recommend to my dad. My mom gets all my YA hand-me-downs but my dad only reads sci-fi. I still can't stop thinking about it.


  6. As someone who moved upstate from northern NJ, may I just say, I miss Trader Joe's! I miss Edamame! Instead, I have become friends with the proprietor of my local health food store and the owners of a sheep farm (they make delicious Italian-style cheese).

    Can't wait for Across the Universe – Beth is awesome!


  7. Maybe I will submit a story to you. MAYBE I WILL. Maybe that will be a resolution for 2011, to write a freaking short story for once.

    I'm looking forward to Across the Universe. A chick in my crit group has already read it and loved it. And I'm a fan of anyone who writes 11 novels before they are published.


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